Current Status of the establishment of Prefectural Centers for Climate Change Actions (5th Jan. 2004)

<From "Kiko Network News" Vol.33,November 2003> Shunichi Hiraoka Research Group of Local Policy on Climate Cha […]

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Discussion Paper “Complying with Kyoto toward further GHG reductions” (4th Dec. 2003)

Kiko Network released a discussion paper “Complying with Kyoto toward further GHG reductions”.Present situatio […]

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Complying with Kyoto toward further GHG reductions (Dec. 2003)

Contents ?Nearly six years have passed since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, and the first commitment peri […]

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MOE (Ministry of Environment) proposes a carbon tax, initiating full-scale discussions:Early introduction of an effective carbon tax is expected (16th Nov. 2003)

<From "Kiko Network News" Vol.32,September 2003> MOE (Ministry of Environment) proposes a carbon tax, initiati […]

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Basic Energy Plan: No reflection on the past, remaining longstanding government policy (6th Nov. 2003)

<From "Kiko Network News" Vol.32,September 2003> Basic Energy Plan: No reflection on the past, remaining longs […]

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TEPCO's Nuclear Power Plants Offline: An opportunity to switch to low carbon society (18th Aug. 2003)

<From "Kiko Network News" Vol.31 ,July 2003> TEPCO's Nuclear Power Plants Offline: ? An opportunity to switch […]

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Press Release
Letter to President Putin : Request for Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol (2nd July.2003)

On 2 July, 8 NGO members have visited Russian Embassy to submit the letter to President Putin. July 2, 2003 HE […]

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Press Release
Next Step of the Kyoto Protocol Needs Drastic Cuts(26th May. 2003)

26 May, 2003 Interim report (draft) of the Global Environment Subcommittee disregards both the scientific tren […]

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Japanese Environmental NGOs' response to In-depth Review (5th Dec. 2002)

Japanese Environmental NGOs' response to In-depth Review of Japan's Third National Communications under the UN […]

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Press Release
Press Release by Kiko Network on Japan's Ratification (31st May. 2002)

31 May,2002 Mie Asaoka President, Kiko Network [31. May 2002] Today, Japanese Diet approves ratification of th […]

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