Recent Entries
What is climate change?
What is climate change? What do we need to know about it, and what should we do to stop it?
What We Do
Building an International Framework
To avoid a worsening climate crisis, we must limit the global temperature rise to no more than 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels. However, with current policies, the world is set to exceed this. Kiko Network is working on building an international framework to promote international cooperation so that every country can strengthen its climate policies.
Promoting Climate Actions in Japan
Through our advocacy work, Kiko Network encourages the Japanese Government, the Diet, and businesses to shift to renewable energy and improve energy efficiency. This includes the drafting and distribution of position statements and policy proposals for climate policy and related systems in Japan, and we also carry out original research in cooperation with experts and citizen’s organizations.
Decarbonizing Communities, Building Capacity
In addition to local policy recommendations, we focus on creating model activities, capacity building and networking at the community level. By utilizing abundant local resources, we promote “climate action for community revitalization”
About Kiko Network
Kiko Network is a Japanese environmental NGO that works to tackle climate change by bringing forth major changes in society.