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【Press Release】Kanden and J-Power’s So-called, “Zero CO2 Emission Fuel” is Climate Greenwashing – Request to stop misleading advertisements has been filed –(December 25, 2023)
December 25, 2023Kiko NetworkMie Asaoka, President The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framew […]
[Briefing Paper] Japan's Ammonia Co-firing Plans Threaten Paris Goals
In order to limit warming to less than 1.5°C, significant and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions mus […]
[Webinar] Youth Climate Litigation in Korea & The Case of Australian Gas Project (15 December, 2023)
Webinar Topic Climate Litigation Around the World [Third Session]Youth Climate Litigation in Korea & The C […]
【Press Release】On the decision by J-Power to close and suspend two coal-fired power units of Matsushima Thermal Power Station in 2024: The GENESIS Matsushima plan for Unit 2 should be canceled as well(November 1, 2023)
On the decision by J-Power to close and suspend two coal-fired power units of Matsushima Thermal Power Station […]
【Press Release】JERA’s Ad “Zero CO2 Emission Thermal Power Generation” is a Climate Greenwash – Filed Recommendation for exclusion(October 5, 2023)
JERA’s Ad “Zero CO2 Emission Thermal Power Generation” is a Climate Greenwash – Filed Recommendation for exclu […]
[Webinar]Justice in the US is charging ahead! Challenges from 16 Montana youth―Montana Climate Litigation: A Report from the Plaintiff lawyers― (2 August, 2023)
Webinar Topic Climate Litigation Around the World (Second Session)Justice in the US is charging ahead! Challen […]
[Position Paper] Position paper on fuel ammonia: Japan’s “Zero Emissions” thermal power will extend the life of coal and accelerate climate change
On July 7, 2023, Kiko Network released “Position paper on fuel ammonia: Japan’s “Zero Emissions” thermal power […]
[Press Release] Investors increase pressure on Japanese companies to take urgent climate action (2023/6/29)
Market ForcesKiko NetworkFoE JapanRainforest Action Network Thursday, 29 June 2023: Japan’s largest banks and […]
[Briefing] Second investor briefing in response to the Banks’ announcements (2023/6/5)
Co-filers of shareholder proposal jointly released the 2nd investor briefing in response to the 3 banks’ annou […]
[Press Release] G7 Hiroshima Summit Concludes: With the world closely watching, G7 still does not break from their dependence on fossil fuels (2023/5/21)
<Press Release> G7 Hiroshima Summit Concludes:With the world closely watching, G7 still does not break f […]