Press Release
Kiko Network Condemns Keidanren’ s appeal to the Ministry of Environment - Eliminating CO2 from EIAs for new coal power plants is inconceivable -

【URGENT PRESS RELEASE】 Kiko Network Condemns Keidanren’ s appeal to the Minister of Environment - Eliminating […]

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Press Release
While Economic Minister avoids clear messages, Environmental Minister didn’t approve new coal power plant, again. : Coal power needs to be stopped. (August 28th)

PRESS RELEASE: While Economic Minister avoids clear messages, Environmental Minister didn’t approve new coal p […]

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Press Release
Japan’s Env. Minister Disapproves Plan for Coal-Fired Plant in Aichi: Zero-Based Review Inevitable(August 17th, 2015)

PRESS RELEASE: Japan’s Env. Minister Disapproves Plan for Coal-Fired Plant?in Aichi: Zero-Based Review Inevita […]

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Press Release
Plans for Climate Change Inducing Coal Plants Must Stop -Minister of Economy Releases Weak Statement on Coal Assessment-(June 26th 2015)

Plans for Climate Change Inducing Coal Plants Must Stop -Minister of Economy Releases Weak Statement on Coal A […]

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Press Release
PRESS RELEASE: Minister of Environment says “No” to plans for new coal plant - Plans for new coal plants must come to an end - (June 12th, 2015)

June 12th, 2015 PRESS RELEASE:?Minister of Environment says “No” to plans for new coal plant - Plans for new c […]

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Press Release
PRESS RELEASE: Japan’s INDC draft is neither ambitious nor fair (June 2nd, 2015)

June 2nd, 2015 PRESS RELEASE:?Japan’s INDC draft is neither ambitious nor fair Kiko Network Mie Asaoka, Presid […]

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International Symposium: Climate Change and Coal (May 29th, 2015)

Title International Symposium: Climate Change and Coal Date May 29th, 2015 (Friday) Open 9:10, 9:30~18:00 Loca […]

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New report: Japan’s Path to Sustainable Electricity Supply” (28 April, 2015)

New report: Japan’s Path to Sustainable Electricity Supply” (28 April, 2015) Author: Bruce C. Buckheit (Energy […]

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Press Release
“A 20% Reduction Against 2013 Levels Approximately a 10% Reduction Against 1990 Levels” (April 10th 2015)

“A 20% Reduction Against 2013 Levels Approximately a 10% Reduction Against 1990 Levels” Is Japan telling the w […]

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Press Release
Immediate Action Must be Brought to New and Existing Japanese Coal-Fired Power Plants (April 9th, 2015)

PRESS RELEASE: Immediate Action Must be Brought to New and Existing Japanese Coal-Fired Power Plants Coal-fire […]

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