Media & Publications

Press Release
Appealing for Climate Change Action, British Embassy Workers to Embark on Tough Mount Fuji Challenge

(To read the Japanese version of this article on our blog, please click here.) Appealing for Climate Change Ac […]

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[Position Paper] Risky Dreams: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) (August, 2019)

Position Paper Risky Dreams: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Kiko Network To achieve the Paris […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] Construction of Akita Port coal-fired power plant postponed: The plant should be cancelled in context of the global exit from coal (August 8, 2019)

Press Release Construction of Akita Port coal-fired power plant postponed: The plant should be cancelled in co […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] Major insurer Nippon Life sets benchmark in Japan by dropping coal power project finance - NGOs welcome “blanket restriction”- (July 13th, 2018)

For Immediate Release Major Insurer Nippon Life sets benchmark in Japan by dropping coal finance - NGOs welcom […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] 2019 G20 Osaka Summit Host Prime Minister Abe Failed to Lead on Climate Issue Japan should Raise its Ambition Level to Reduce GHG Emissions (June 29, 2019)

Press Release 2019 G20 Osaka Summit Host Prime Minister Abe Failed to Lead on Climate Issue Japan should Raise […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] Japan's Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement: Time to start process to update to more ambitious NDC to secure a pathway to 1.5 degree goal b(June 11, 2019)

Press Release Japan's Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement: Time to start process to update to more am […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] Citizens launch administrative lawsuit to stop JERA from constructing Yokosuka coal-fired power plant (May 27, 2019)

<Press Release> Citizens launch administrative lawsuit to stop JERA from constructing Yokosuka coal-fire […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] Osaka Gas pulls out of coal-fired power plant expansion plan in Yamaguchi Prefecture: J-POWER and Ube Industries should reverse their decision to continue (April 24, 2019)

Press Release Osaka Gas pulls out of coal-fired power plant expansion plan in Yamaguchi Prefecture: J-POWER an […]

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Press Release
[Joint NGO statement] Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group considers end to loans for new coal fired power projects. NGOs demand stronger action to withdraw from coal (April 12, 2019)

[Joint NGO statement] Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group considers end to loans for new coal fired power projects. […]

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Press Release
[Press Release] MoE announces more rigorous EIA screening of coal power projects: It’s time to cancel all projects at the phase of EIA and construction (April 2, 2019)

<Press release> MoE announces more rigorous EIA screening of coal power projects: It’s time to cancel al […]

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