The US and China Announce New Emissions Reduction Goals: Japan must speed up talks on an emissions reduction target (Nov. 12th, 2014)
PRESS RELEASE: The US and China Announce New Emissions Reduction Goals: Japan must speed up talks on an emissi […]
Construction of 25 Coal-fired Power Plants (over 13 000MW) under Planning Bypassing Climate Change Policies ~Urgent Task to Stop the Construction Fever~(Oct.23,2014)
Construction of 25 Coal-fired Power Plants (over 13 000MW)?under Planning Bypassing Climate Change Policies ~U […]
UN Climate Summit 2014: Calling on Japanese PM Shinzo Abe - World Leaders To Present Strong Positions on Climate Change Measures (Sep. 22, 2014)
UN Climate Summit 2014: Calling on Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, World Leaders To Present Strong Positions on Climat […]
Joint Statement: Toward the UN Climate Summit ? for the world without climate change crisis and nuclear energy (Sep. 19. 2014)
Sep. 19. 2014 Joint Statement: Toward the UN Climate Summit ? for the world without climate change crisis and […]
New report: “Japan Climate Vision 2050: An energy future independent of nuclear power and fossil fuels [Scenario projections]” (8 May, 2014)
We are pleased to announce the release of Kiko Network’s report “Japan Climate Vision 2050: An energy future i […]