World news are dominated by depressing and sad stories, but today we have a positive and good news.
Two employees at the British Embassy came up with a plan for a charity event to first cycle from Tokyo to the Fifth Station of Mount Fuji, then hike from there to the summit, then descend again and return to Tokyo, all within 48 hours from September 9th to 10th, 2019. Unfortunately, they were not able to complete the challenge due to several difficulties, but came safely back to Tokyo!
The two people involved in the planning of this ambitious and challenging cycling event are David Mulholland (33), Head of Events, Olympics, Paralympics and Rugby World Cup at the British Embassy Tokyo, and James Carter (32), Senior Global Sports Liaison Officer.
They started the challenge the morning after a large typhoon directly hit Tokyo. Due to the typhoon, their departure was severely delayed and faced with cycling through extreme hot temperatures up to 36 degrees. They were successfully able to make it to the 5th station of Mt Fuji on their bikes, but unfortunately had to give up on climbing to the summit in the following morning because there had been a large rock slide on the path to go up which resulted from the typhoon. They commented, “It was such a shame as we had come so far…….To be honest the cycling itself was enough of a challenge so we were pretty happy to have achieved that!”
この企画は、日英交流年「UK in Japan 2019-20」というキャンペーンの一環として、通常の業務とは別に、お二人が気候危機の解決を訴えるチャリティーイベントを独自に企画したとのこと。
This charity event appealing for more climate action is something they have come up with on their own initiative outside of their regular work and duties, as part of the “UK in Japan 2019-2020″ campaign.
The funds collected through this charity event
… add up to about 340.000 yen!!
集まったお金は、英国のCool EarthとProtect Our Winters、そして日本のNGOとして気候ネットワークに寄付をして下さることになりました。
The money raised was to be donated to the British NGOs Cool Earth and Protect Our Winters, and to Kiko Network as the chosen Japanese NGO.
And now, Kiko Network has received their donation of 150.000 yen! Thank you very much, David and James!
David and James said that through this event, they wanted to call for more climate action, collect donations from supporters agreeing with this objective, and make this into an opportunity to raise awareness of the problem.
気候ネットワークでは、お二人のチャレンジの意向を汲み、今回いただいた寄付を多くの人に気候変動の危機を伝えるためのプログラムに活用させていただく予定です。Understanding the purpose of the challenge by David and James, we are planning to use the donation in a program to communicate the crisis of climate change to many people.
You can view the video they made on the challenge here.
You can read the details of the challenge in both Japanese and English on the crowdfunding website.
You can view the blogpost written before the challenge here.
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