日本では、京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科の研究生として在籍しています。アテネオデマニラ大学と京都大学はAUN(ASEAN University Network)に加盟していて、加盟大学間で行われる学生交換プログラム「共同指導型シングルディグリープログラム」でこちらに来ています。エネルギー社会・環境科学専攻の宇根崎博信先生の指導のもと、修士論文を書き上げるつもりです。
Konnichiwa! I am Marvin Torres Lagonera, a graduate student currently taking up my Masters degree major in Global Politics at the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. I graduated my Bachelors degree in Political Science and Economics at the same university last 2014.
I am currently a research student at the Graduate School of Energy Sciences of Kyoto University. I was admitted under the AUN-KU (ASEAN University Network-Kyoto University) Student Mobility Program called “Joint Supervision Single Master Degree Program”. Under this program, I will complete my Masters thesis under the supervision of Dr Hinorobu Unesaki from the Department of Socio-Environmental Energy Science of Kyoto University.
I decided to do an internship in order to immerse myself in advocacy work in Japan. Kiko Network, a non-governmental organization (NGO) whose goal is to prevent life-threatening climate change and to build a sustainable global society, will be a unique opportunity for me to learn more about sustainability initiatives in Japan and beyond.
My main academic interests include energy security-climate change nexus and sustainability transitions in developing countries. My graduate thesis aims to examine the role and impact of governance and policy-making on urban sustainable energy transitions. An internship experience with Kiko Network will immerse me in professional research and real advocacy work directly related to this field.
Such knowledge will allow me to gain global perspective about best practices and trends in the field of climate change and sustainability. In return, I hope to be able to provide the institution with my knowledge, albeit limited, especially from the perspective of developing countries. Finally, I hope that the knowledge and learning that I can get from the institution will allow me to contribute back to the Philippines in my chosen career path.
I expect my internship at Kiko Network to be productive and enjoyable. I would like to learn about its different activities and programs, understand its organizational and administrative aspects, and be able to contribute concretely during my stay as intern. I would also like to know more about the staff - their experiences, their motivations and personal advocacies.
I am looking forward to an exciting internship with Kiko Network. I am definitely grateful to Kiko Network for warmly accepting me to their community!

- 気候ネットワークに所属されていた方々、インターンの方々が執筆者となっております。