Global threat attacked by Dutchman in Japan
Dear reader! Starting February the 2nd and ending the 15th of June, I will be an intern at Kiko Network. As you may know, Kiko Network’s goal is to prevent life threatening climate change and to build a sustainable global society. Well, what do you know about me? Please be patient, I will tell you. My name is Terrance Kelderman, also known as TK-san and I am from the Netherlands. Up until now, I have been crawling and walking the earth for over 25 years. During the years, I have felt that the temperature was increasing year by year. From a frozen baby, to a thawed teenager. By the rate the temperatures are yearly increasing, I may find myself as a burned pensioner! On the other hand, if I continue to live in the Netherlands, I will find myself swimming for the remainder of my life.
But first, allow me to share more information about me. Theuniversity that I am enrolled in the Netherlands is the Hague University. My major is European Studies and my minor is Art, Culture and Philosophy. My internship will be the second time that I stay in Japan for a lengthy period. In 2013, I have spent four months at Kansai Gaidai University in Hirakata as an exchange student. As a KGU student, I was enrolled in Japanese economy, Shinto, Asia studies and Japanese language. My exchange period in Japan sparked an interest in contemporary issues regarding Japan. This resulted in writing (and passing !) my thesis about how Japanese women livingand working in the Netherlands experience gender inequality. As you can see, my interest in studies varies a lot. The reason why is that I like to gain as much knowledge as possible. Therefore, I have choosing to do my internship at KikoNetwork.
My goal during my internship is to gain as much knowledgeas possible on how Kiko Network aims to prevent life threating climate change and to build a sustainable global society. This will mainly consist of joining and assistingseveral activities. Such as the National Symposium “Prevent Global Warming By Citizens Movement-Climate Action Now!’’, which takes place on the weekend of February the 14 and 15th at Doshisha University. Moreover, I am keen to join the Educational Program. It will be interesting to experience what kind of methods are taught to young children.
I am honoured that I have been given the opportunity to do my internship at Kiko Network. I am very excited about the prospect of joining Kiko Network. I expect that I will learn a lot. Not only about Kiko Network, yet also about Japan. One thing is for sure, I will have to brush up my Japanese!
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